Colleen Simon
Colleen Simon is an Approved Mental Health Professional and Best Interest Assessor. She currently works as Team Manager in a Local Authority dual diagnosis service (substance use and mental health). Colleen has worked in mental health services for 20 years, including mental health link work with prison services and working in a Crisis and Home Treatment Team. Colleen lectures on the AMHP/BIA programmes for Bournemouth University and is also trained in motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy.
What people say about Colleen:
“Excellent facilitation by Christine, very helpful, useful course”
“Excellent trainer who as per usual delivered this to a high standard. A very enjoyable day.”
“Very user-friendly style of delivery that makes it conducive to excellent learning. Fully involves and answers questions of participants”
“Best and most stimulating and relevant course I have recently attended. All content focused and relevant, challenging and informative”