Zoe Mears
Zoe Mears has 30 years’ experience of working in health and social care, predominantly in adult mental health services. She has also worked with adults with autism, learning disabilities and with rough sleepers. Qualifying as a Social Worker in 2002, Zoe has moved through a range of management positions and currently practises as the Head of Social Work & Mental Health Law for an NHS Trust in London.
Zoe practiced as an Approved Social Worker /Approved Mental Health Professional ( ASW/AMHP) from 2004 – 2020 and for a decade was an ASW/AMHP Lead for a London Borough. This included providing practice assessor support to AMHP/BIA trainees and acting as an Authorised Signatory for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).
Zoe joined Edge in 2013 and has delivered a range of training on mental health law to health and social care professionals, AMHPs, s12 doctors and Approved Clinicians.
Zoe was appointed to the Mental Health Tribunal as a Specialist Lay Member in 2012.