Dr Oliver Lewis
Oliver Lewis is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers where he practices in the Court of Protection and related public law matters with respect to people with disabilities or mental health issues. Before returning to the bar in 2017 he was executive director of Validity, an international human rights charity based in Budapest that advances the rights of people with mental; health issues or learning disabilities worldwide.
Oliver is also part-time Professor of Law and Social Justice at the School of Law, University of Leeds where he teaches on the LLB and LLM modules on disability law and leads the LLM module on global human rights advocacy and coordinates the international disability law clinic. He is a trustee of the Avon and Bristol Law Centre.
He has a law degree from LSE, an MA in Medical Ethics and Law from King’s College London and a PhD from the University of Leiden. Oliver has written extensively on international human rights law and disability, including a book published in 2007, “Mental Disability and the European Convention on Human Rights”.
Oliver tweets at @DrOliverLewis
What people say about Oliver:
"This course was paced well and the discussion causes one to really be critical of their own practice in upholding all the major legal framework necessary to support the vulnerable in our society. Many thanks Oliver"
"The course was delivered in a very clear and concise way, Oliver clearly passionate about the subject – I particularly liked the bit where he contrasted the WHO recommendations with UK govt policy! Really informative and I will definitely follow him on twitter. thank you"
"Excellent session, expert knowledge, valid and meaningful reflections. very helpful"
"Found this course very helpful, I will refer to the course material and read the recommended "A Cautionary Tale". I also found the discussion on the case studies useful and how best write up Court of Protection Witness Statement."
"Easy to understand and engaging training - interactive and very relevant to my work. Thank you."