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Hanna Gottschling

Hanna first started working in adult mental health services in 1999.  Prior to obtaining her Social Work Qualification, Hanna worked in Training and Clinical Governance and represented service users within a Mental Health Trust at management and senior management level.  Hanna gained her social work degree in 2011 and went on to gain her Masters in Adult Mental Health.  She continues to practice as an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) under the Mental Health Act 1983 and as a Best Interests Assessor (BIA) under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to ensure her role as a trainer remains credible and appropriate to the subject matter she is delivering. Hanna has worked in all areas of adult social care including learning disability transitions, older people, physical health and mental health.

Hanna was the MCA/DoLS lead for a local authority in London for a number of years, providing professional advice on MCA and DoLS for social care staff and managers and Best Interest Assessors, working strategically with management and partner agencies to ensure good practice is adhered to in the ever-changing legal landscape.  Hanna has extensive experience of attending the Court of Protection relating to DoLS, Mental Capacity Act and Adult Safeguarding.  Hanna was asked to join the National Mental Capacity Forum Leadership Group and is passionate about the Mental Capacity Act and ensuring that practice enshrines the principals if the Act.

What people say about Hanna:

"Hanna was a brilliant teacher. She is very passionate and empathetic and is clearly a champion of human rights and advocating for professionals to remember to do what is in the best interest of the individual, not what makes us feel the most comfortable. I thoroughly enjoyed the course, can't recommend it enough and feel this should be mandatory for allstaff working within health and social care!"

"Although skeptical regards my first Zoom training, i have thoroughly enjoyed THE MCA / BI training which has been carried out by Hanna with passion and with provided evidential outcomes of cases. Well done loved the Matter Of "Facts" information given to us all."

"It cleared up some concerns and questions i had regarding MCA/BI Really good course,

"Hanna is very enthusiastic about the subject which made it an interesting course Thank you." should be mandatory for social care staff (those who it is relevant to, of course). In addition to gain solid understanding of the MCA, it showed me what good practice should look like."

"Excellent training, I really enjoyed it. The case studies were really relevant and I could relate them to my role. Pace of training was superb. I have a tendency to think quickly but Hanna's pace allowed me to digest and understand what was being said. I think this training

"This is one course that has been very thought provoking. Very humaine in its presentation and also in content. I found Hanna very knowledgeable, but also aiding in the reflection of my practice. I would happily take part in another course presented by this trainer. Thank you! I am leaving a better professional."

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