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Violent Riots- Easy Read Resources

The Edge team have been horrified by the violent riots driven by racism and Islamophobia in recent days and hope all readers of our mailing list and course participants are safe and well both outside of work and while meeting the needs of their patients and clients.


Many of you support people to access the community. Some of those people will be at increased risk at the moment, due to their race and/or faith. This may necessitate a review of some risk assessments when going out, using public transport, visiting a place of worship and the specific geographical areas people visit. This may also be a specific additional risk included in a mental capacity assessment about going out and/or having leave.  


The following easy read resources may be useful during these discussions/assessments


1. United Response have produced an easy read news resource on the riots

2. Beyond Words have produced this picture book to help those accessing the community in the current climate

3. Beyond Words have also produced easy read books on Criminal Justice (eBooks or paperback available- both at a charge)





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