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The Court of Protection – don’t delay applications

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

In a recently published case, a judge questioned the delay by an NHS Trust in bringing a case to court promptly. Unfortunately, this is a not uncommon problem for the court as reported in previous cases. The judge noted the balance between wanting to make a 'perfect case’ application to the Court versus the need for speedy applications. Mr Justice Cobb stated:

'I would wish to encourage these Applicants and/or any other applicant in such circumstances with such a case, to be less concerned about ensuring that every 'i' is dotted and every 't' crossed before making the application where speed of decision-making may be of the essence: perfect in this instance may well be the enemy of the good.'

In addition, the judge said: 'The case nonetheless causes me to emphasise for future reference that where cancer is a suspected pathology in respect of a person who lacks or may lack capacity to make treatment decisions, the Hospital Trusts should not hesitate one moment before bringing the matter before the court.’

The case involved a woman who was resisting investigation and/or medical treatment for a physical condition and lacked mental capacity. She had a long standing mental disorder and was on leave of absence under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act.

Edge Training & Consultancy run a range of courses on the Court of Protection. Our next Events can be booked HERE. If you would like to enquire about commissioning us for this course please email or call 07825 731139


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