This report on the BBC news website focuses on the CQC report for a care home that has been rated inadequate. The report explains there were concerns about relationships developing between residents but staff did not have a proper understanding of the relevance of consent or mental capacity and whether actions under the Mental Capacity Act were necessary. The report explains:
"Management and staff had a poor understanding of capacity, consent and sexual relations or how to protect people from incidents triggered by sexual disinhibition or other features of a person’s mental health or dementia."
"We saw people expressing their emotions in a way which placed them and others at risk, including physical assault, exposure, urinating, pushing, hitting and kissing. We had concerns related to sexual safety and we raised an organisational safeguarding alert about widespread poor practice."
Edge Training run a wide range of courses on the Sexual Relations and contact with others. For ticketted Events click HERE. If you would like to enquire about commissioning us for this training, please email admin@edgetraining.org.uk or call 07825 731139.