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Presentation by District Judge Professor Anselm Eldergill (Court of Protection and University College London) delivered at our 2023 AMHP conference

We are delighted to share the excellent presentation delivered at our annual AMHP conference on the 1st December 2023 by District Judge Professor Anselm Eldergill (Court of Protection and University College London)


Following on from his earlier article on law reform* Judge Eldergill makes persuasive arguments for positive opportunities arising with the postponement of the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) and a ‘fresh start’ for the Mental Health Bill.


These arguments detail some of the issues he sees with the LPS and its inability to address some fundamental problems for those detained in care homes and supported living.


With his many years of experience as a Court of Protection judge and previously as a mental health solicitor, he then turns to the Mental Health Bill, raising concerns about its scope and ambition.


He lists 25 weaknesses with the current Mental Health Bill before going on to suggest that delay in implementation of LPS and the Mental Health Bill brings with it an opportunity.


He argues that law should have a practical focus and be accessible and workable for professionals. He states that professionals working in mental health services are better placed to reach this aim than academics and policy advisors with little if any practice experience in mental health service provision.


Click here to access the slides that Prof. Eldergill presented at the AMHP Conference.


We hope you enjoy the presentation.

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