This wall chart shows the most commonly used detention powers in an accessible and practical way. It is a quick and effective reference point for staff to check on the correct use of the legislation in daily practice.
Sections 2, 3, 5(2), 5(4), 37, 135, 136, Community Treatment Orders and Guardianship are all summarised under the following headings:
Purpose of section
Legal criteria
Staff involved
Treatment powers
Leave of absence
Duties on staff
Right of appeal
Right to advocacy
Ways to be discharged
Code of Practice guidance
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) is also detailed.
The chart also summarises the three main legal routes of admission to mental health wards: consent (informal), Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act. An explanation of terms box provides information on titles such as Approved Mental Health Professional, Approved Clinician, Mental Health Tribunal, Nearest Relative, IMCA etc.
Full colour – A1 size (59 x 84cm) – heavy gloss paper
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