AMHP Re-approval (3 day course) 24, 25 & 26 June 2025
Date, Time & Location
24, 25 & 26 June 2025 09:30-16:30
via Zoom
About the Event
The whole course provides the annual statutory requirement of 18 hours. The course requires attendance online each day from 09:30 to 16:30.
The course is to help staff confirm they meet the competences required to practise as an AMHP. It revisits the 5 main areas of competence required by the Mental Health (Approved Mental Health Professionals) (Approval) (England) Regulations 2008: application of values; knowledge of law and policy; knowledge of mental disorder; skills of working in partnership; and, skills of making and communicating informed decisions. It is recommended that staff complete this course as they approach their formal five year re-approval stage. It should contribute to the provision of evidence of the required competences. It is also designed to meet the needs of those returning to AMHP work after a few years out of practice. In each of the years between re-approval staff are required to undertake at least 18 hours of relevant training.
The course is delivered by:
Rob Brown who is an independent trainer and a social worker. He provides consultation and supervision for AMHPs working in Cornwall, Hampshire, Portsmouth, West Berkshire, the Isle of Wight and Lambeth. In 2007 he was a founding Director of Edge Training and Consultancy Ltd. Rob teaches AMHPs, s12 approved doctors and approved clinicians in England & Wales. He is a Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University. Rob has published a number of books in the fields of mental health and mental capacity law. His most recent publication is Brown, Martin, Hickman & Barber’s “Mental Health Law in England and Wales” (5th edition, Sage 2023). He is sole author of “The AMHP’s Guide to Mental Health Law” (5th edition, Sage, 2020). From 1993-2010 Rob was a Mental Health Act Commissioner and the Director of ASW/AMHP courses over the same period.
Christine Hutchison has been a Director of Edge Training and Consultancy Ltd since 2013. She worked in local authority and NHS mental health services for over 30 years as an ASW and then AMHP from 1995 to 2013. Christine was a Mental Health Act Commissioner with the CQC from 2009 to 2013, a lecturer/practitioner on university social work degree courses & lecturer on the AMHP/BIA programmes at Bournemouth University for over 10 years. She currently sits as a Specialist Member of the Mental Health Tribunal Service and is co-author of several publications including The Mental Health Tribunal: An Essential Guide 2021 (Sage). She delivers training to AMHPs, doctors & others across England and Wales.
Participants need to have available at the start of each day:
• The slides for the session, to enable them to take notes. For this purpose the slides are sent with three per page as that leaves room for notes.
• A copy of the Mental Health Act 1983 (e.g. as contained in Jones’ Manual or in Barber, Brown and Martin – discounted copy via this flyer. The Act is also available on line at www.legislation.gov.uk by typing in “Mental Health Act” & “1983”).
• And, if possible, Rob Brown’s 2020 edition of “The AMHP’s Guide to Mental Health Law” which contains the full list of AMHP competences and further related exercises. Again this is available as a discounted copy via this flyer.
Programme Summary
Day One (Rob Brown)
09.30 – 12.30 Introduction to the course.
Judicial precedents. Related exercise.
Use of video for Mental Health Act assessments.
Bed shortages and the impact on AMHP work. On-screen exercise.
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 16.30 The Human Rights Act and its impact on AMHP work. MC quiz.
How to identify the Nearest Relative. NR exercises.
A recent case example from practice.
General revision exercises.
Day Two (Christine Hutchison)
09.30 – 12.30 Introductions, programme and issues for participants
MCA & MHA –issues for AMHPs
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
(Schedule 1A) & the eligibility
assessment (Schedule A1)
Case study (breakout rooms)
s.117 MHA update.
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 16.30 Policing and mental health- current issues for AMHPs
s.135 MHA refresher & MCQ. Feedback
s.136 MHA case vignette. Feedback. Royal College of Psychiatrists current guidance on s136 and some Coroners reports of relevance.
s.136 MCQ & feedback
Final questions
Virtual prizes (don’t get excited!)
Day Three (Rob Brown)
09.30 – 12.30 Part 3 MHA, s37/41 conditional discharge and social supervision.
s7 guardianship, s17 leave, s17A (CTOs).
Case law on guardianship and on deprivation of liberty.
Community Treatment Orders and on-screen exercise.
Approved clinicians and Responsible clinicians.
Exercise on ACs and RCs.
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 16.30 MM (conditional discharge), & PJ (CTOs and deprivation of liberty).
Code of Practice issues. What is mental disorder?
AMHP outline reports.
The return of the voluntary patient?
More general revision exercises. The future of law reform.
Preparing evidence of competences for re-approval.
Summary and evaluation.
Any final questions
Includes all course materials and a PDF certificate. Access details will be emailed direct to delegate upon completion of your booking. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email events@edgetraining.org.uk or call 07341 277487.
Course Place
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