Safeguarding Adults
Listed below are a range of courses we deliver on Safeguarding Adults. If you want more information on any course listed, please email: admin@edgetraining.org.uk and we will send you the full course outline with further details including costings. All courses are tailored to the specific needs of the staff group or service commissioning it. If you don’t see the exact course you need, please email us as we deliver numerous other bespoke courses on Safeguarding Adults.
Safeguarding adults: Level 1 (basic awareness)
This one day course is for staff whose work brings them into contact with adults who are/or maybe eligible for at risk of abuse. It aims to give participants an awareness of adults at risk and Safeguarding adult’s issues, to identify signs and symptoms of abuse and how to report safeguarding concerns.
Safeguarding adults: Level 3
This one-day Level 3 Safeguarding Adults training course offers delegates the opportunity to explore the legal framework, which underpins safeguarding adults work, and to explore the key challenges that may arise in practice. It will guide the delegates through the safeguarding adults process and focus on making safeguarding personal. It is for all staff who may be involved in safeguarding adult work which could include social workers, community care officers, social care workers, social care managers, GPs, practice nurses, heads of quality, chief nurses, designated nurses for safeguarding adults, occupational therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists
Safeguarding adults: Level 3 for ICB and NHS Trust staff
This one-day Level 3 Safeguarding Adults training course offers delegates the opportunity to explore the legal framework, which underpins safeguarding adults work, and to explore the key challenges that may arise in practice. It will guide the delegates through the safeguarding adults process and focus on making safeguarding personal. It is for all staff who may be involved in safeguarding adult work within CCGs and NHS acute Trusts.
Safeguarding adults: Level 3 for mental health services
This one-day Level 3 Safeguarding Adults training course offers delegates from mental health services the opportunity to explore the legal framework, which underpins safeguarding adults work, and to explore the key challenges that may arise in practice. It will guide the delegates through the safeguarding adults process and focus on making safeguarding personal. It is for all staff who may be involved in safeguarding adult work.
Safeguarding adults and the Mental Capacity Act
This course aims to enable delegates to consider the impact of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in relation to their role in safeguarding adults.
Safeguarding adults: legal update
This is a one day course which aims to enable participants to maximise their legal literacy when working with adults at risk under their multi agency safeguarding adults policy by giving an overview of some of the key legal updates.
Safeguarding adults: legal literacy in practice
Legal literacy is about how practitioners are able to apply their knowledge of the law. This includes an overall understanding of legal principles, powers and duties. It also needs to include skills in the area of understanding the role and context of the courts. This course aims to explore the legal rules that underpin our actions in safeguarding adult work and to support practitioners and organisations to deliver the intentions and requirements of the Care Act 2014 and keep people safe from abuse and harm.
Safeguarding adults: high risk cases and the law
This one-day course is aimed at social workers, nurses, occupational therapists and other professionals who are expected to make professional judgements to safeguard adults at risk. Attendees will consider how to apply the Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA), Mental Health Act 1983 (MCA) and inherent jurisdiction of the high court to safeguarding cases.