Mental Health Act
Listed below are a range of courses we deliver on the Mental Health Act. If you want more information on any course listed, please email: admin@edgetraining.org.uk and we will send you the full course outline with further details including costings. All courses are tailored to the specific needs of the staff group or service commissioning it. If you don’t see the exact course you need, please email us as we deliver numerous other bespoke courses on Mental Health Act.
Introduction to the Mental Health Act 1983
This course is designed to give practitioners an overview of the Mental Health Act (MHA). It considers the legal criteria and process for hospital admission under the MHA including the role of police and courts. Discharge and aftercare, Care Programme Approach, s117 and interface with the Care Act 2014 (or where relevant the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 are reviewed.
Aftercare under Section 117 MHA 1983: law and practice (England)
This one day course is aimed at health and social care professionals who are involved in the process of assessing aftercare provision for those who have been detained for treatment under the Mental Health Act 1983. It will cover the meaning and scope of aftercare under s.117 MHA, the guidance in the MHA Code of Practice, and practice issues. It will also consider funding, residence and local problems and, through case scenarios and discussion, provide an opportunity to review the aftercare decision-making process.
Section 117 Mental Health Act Aftercare public law rights
This full day course aims to familiarise staff with the rights of patients awaiting psychiatric hospital discharge from under a section triggering s117 Mental Health Act aftercare status.
This course focuses on the public law framework regarding adequate assessment, care planning etc and restitution for breach of statutory duty rather than tribunal or CoP routes to challenge.
This course assumes a basic understanding of the framework for s117 Mental Health Act 1983 aftercare status and care planning under the Care Programme Approach/Community Mental Health Framework.
Mental Health Act – administration and management skills
This course aims to provide mental health administration staff and hospital managers with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage the Act in practice. It considers the necessary tools to ensure effective compliance with the legislation and Code of Practice. In-depth consideration of relevant specific topics include: MHA detention powers, Community Treatment Orders, Mental Capacity Act, forensic orders, Mental Health Tribunals and Hospital Managers hearings.
Social Supervision: Introductory course – 2 days
The course provides an introduction to the role of Social Supervisor of conditionally discharged patients. It will also assist line managers who are supporting Social Supervisors. Following completion of the two day course, and some follow-up reading, participants will be sufficiently familiar with the requirements of the role as set out by HMPPS Mental Health Casework Section (MHCS) to act as Social Supervisors with confidence and authority.
Social supervision: Refresher course – 1 day
This course provides a refresher to the role of Social Supervisor of conditionally discharged patients. It will also assist line managers who are supporting experienced Social Supervisors. The course assumes a good knowledge of HMPPS Mental Health Casework Section (MHCS) Guidance for Social Supervisors, relevant Sex Offender legislation, and MAPPA and Victim Liaison practice. It is not suitable as an introduction to the role.
Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act interaction
This course examines the interface between the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Mental Health Act 1983. It considers the differences and overlap between the two Acts for practitioners and reviews the latest applicable case law.
Hospital Managers Panels
The purpose of the day is to look in depth at the practical application of Hospital Managers discharge powers in s23 of the Mental Health Act 1983. It considers the role and function of hospital managers panels. It aims to ensure competence in making fair, reasonable and lawful decisions.
Hospital Managers’ training
The aim of the course is to give people the opportunity to update their legal knowledge and skills in respect of their work as Hospital Managers. After completion, participants will be familiar with the key statutory and Code of Practice provisions to carry out their role and to consider best practice in the conduct of Hospital Managers’ review hearings.
Mental Health Tribunals: skills in practice
This one day course is for health and social care professionals. Professionals are increasingly being required to prepare and give evidence at Mental Health Tribunals (MHTs). The training aims to increase participants understanding of the relevant process and procedure related to MHTs. The day will enable participants to understand the purpose of the Mental Health Tribunal (MHT) and content of social circumstances reports. It will also provide an overview of the law in relation to MHTs.
Legal update for Hospital Managers
The purpose of the day is to give Hospital Managers (MHA Administrators, MHA Legislation Leads etc) the opportunity to examine some legal issues arising in practice and an update on relevant case law. An outline of law and practice will be interspersed with case examples.
Legal update for Mental Health Act administrators
The purpose of the day is to give participants the opportunity consider recent MHA case law practice issues. An outline of law and practice will be interspersed with case examples
Introduction to the Mental Health Act 1983 for Liaison and Diversion Professionals
This course provides information on the key principles and procedures within the MHA with specific focus on issues likely to arise in the work of Liaison and Diversion services. The day will integrate relevant case law and the MHA Code of Practice.
The Mental Health Act: Relatives and the Nearest Relative
This one day course gives Local Authority Lawyers an opportunity to update their legal knowledge and skills regarding the Nearest Relative as defined under the Mental Health Act 1983. Participants will be encouraged to identify legal and practice issues for discussion during the day.
Transforming care: Community legal frameworks for people with learning disabilities and/or autism
The Transforming Care initiative in learning disability services means community services need to consider the most appropriate legal frameworks for individuals. This one day course aims to enable health and social services staff understand the different legal options for people with a learning disability. In particular, it considers the options available under the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and inherent jurisdiction looking at the criteria, powers and limitations of each.