Equality & Diversity
Listed below are a range of courses we deliver on Equality & Diversity. If you want more information on any course listed, please email: admin@edgetraining.org.uk and we will send you the full course outline with further details including costings. All courses are tailored to the specific needs of the staff group or service commissioning it. If you don’t see the exact course you need, please email us as we deliver numerous other bespoke courses on Equality & Diversity.
Anti-racist practice solutions for Health Care Staff
This course aims to assist delegates to understand and manage the impact of racism on an individual, families and communities when providing health care.
Anti-racist practice solutions for Social Care Staff
This course aims to assist delegates to understand and manage the impact of racism on an individual, families and communities when providing social care support.
Anti-racist practice solutions for Mental Health Staff
This course aims to assist delegates to understand and manage the impact of racism on an individual, families and communities when providing mental health care and support.
Faith and the Mental Capacity Act 2005
Every faith community or congregation has members that may lack mental capacity for example, those living with dementia or a learning disability. This course aims to enable professionals to understand the relevant law and guidance when working with the Mental Capacity Act and people that have a religious faith (including those that have none). This one day course covers various faith based decisions which may require a mental capacity assessment such as marriage, contraception, charitable donations, fasting, prayer and visiting places of worship. The course pulls together key Court of Protection case law and explains how the Court has approached best interests decisions in relation to some of these topics.