Children & Young People
Listed below are a range of courses we deliver for Children and Young People. If you want more information on any course listed, please email: admin@edgetraining.org.uk and we will send you the full course outline with further details including costings. All courses are tailored to the specific needs of the staff group or service commissioning it. If you don’t see the exact course you need, please email us as we deliver numerous other bespoke courses for Children and Young People.
Age Assessments (full day or half day)
Age Assessments have the power to alter a child's circumstances significantly. This one day course provides a comprehensive look at the law, guidance and ethics of this challenging assessment. Latest policy developments will also be covered.
Consent and the Mental Capacity Act for children and young people in healthcare settings
This full day course looks at consent when treating children and young people. In some situations, children are able to give consent themselves, and sometimes others need to take the decision on their behalf. The course refers to applicable legislation, guidance and case law both in the Family Court and the Court of Protection.
Court of Protection: DoL Applications for Young People (16 and 17 years)
This course aims to equip participants with the necessary skills to prepare for applications to the Court of Protection in order to authorise the deprivation of liberty of a young person under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. For this course to be successful, we recommend completing our DoL in Children and Young People course first. Please request both programmes.
Deprivation of liberty in children and young people
This course aims to update staff working with children, young people and those in transition with the latest case law and developments in relation to deprivation of liberty. The course will consider these developments and their impact on practice (full day course). Note: We recommend attendees undertake our MCA for children and young people course before attending this course.
Mental Capacity Act for learning disability colleges
This full day course provides college staff with information and guidance on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in the specific setting of learning disability colleges and educational providers
Mental Capacity Act: For Parents
This half day training session gives family members, friends and those involved in a young person’s life an opportunity to consider the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005. This will include looking at the principles underpinning the MCA, how assessments are carried out and the important role family and friends play when supporting young people to be fully involved in making decisions.
Mental Capacity Act for Young People - local authorities
This course provides essential information and practice points for staff working in local authorities on the use and application of the Mental Capacity Act when working with young people.
Sexual relations, restricting contact with others, the use of social media and the internet: Article 8 and the Mental Capacity Act
This course is designed to enable participants to understand mental capacity in relation to sexual relations, restricting contact with other, the use of social media and the internet. Participants will gain awareness of the relevant case law in relation to mental capacity and best interests decision making. Guidance will be offered on the steps to take where an individual lacks mental capacity to consent in these areas, to ensure that they are adequately safeguarded, and legal obligations are met.