We are leading experts in delivering legal training on health and social care law. Our main focus is the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, DoLS, the Liberty Protection Safeguards and Community Care Law. All our courses incorporate themes of human rights, inclusion and diversity.
Our main objective is to ensure the law is accessible to all health and social care staff in a way that leads to positive changes in practice. We have delivered training to over 100 local authorities, ICBs and NHS Trusts and numerous other professional groups including the Office of the Public Guardian. Our trainers include judges, AMHPs, solicitors, barristers, MHA reviewers with the CQC and leading authors. Our passion and dedication to health and social training is evident from the thousands of positive evaluations we receive each year. If you would like to discuss your requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us

We are a well established and highly experienced training provider delivering courses to local authorities, NHS Trusts, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), voluntary groups, the fire service, the police and numerous other organisations. We are also experienced in running joint training events and large national conferences.
We are entrusted to deliver training to large volumes of health and social care staff. In the last year alone, we delivered training to well over 100 different local authorities, NHS trusts and ICBs. The majority of these contracts were for multiple training events. Edge closely monitors evaluations to ensure the service we provide is consistently meeting the needs and requirements of our clients.
Edge boasts a range of experts who are leaders in their field. Many are also published authors, speak at conferences in their area of expertise or advise governments on matters of law and policy including the drafting of new laws. Our trainers include Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs), lawyers, Tribunal judges, university lecturers, psychiatrists, Best Interests Assessors (BIAs), social workers and Mental Health Act commissioners with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
All our trainers have direct experience of practice and are able to ensure focused learning outcomes; bringing theory into practice.